TP-Link VR1600v - Router Set Up Guide

  • Updated

Here’s how to set up your TP-Link Router for NBN and Fixed Wireless on the Pentanet network. Let’s go!

Before you begin:

You’ll need to know your PPPoE username and password which can be found in the welcome email we sent you. Not able to locate your welcome email? That’s okay - you can also find these details under settings in the “Services” tab in the customer portal (


(EWAN - Settings)

(Note: This section is for Fixed Wireless, OptiComm, NBN (FTTP/HFC/FTTC) only.)

  1. Plug in the power adaptor and power on the device.
  2. Use the supplied ethernet cable to connect a computer to one of the yellow LAN ports. You can also connect wirelessly, however we recommend ethernet connection.
  3. Connect your Pentanet service to the yellow port labelled LAN/WAN
  4. Using a web browser navigate to, and log in with the username admin and the password admin. (If the default login doesn’t work you may need to factory reset your device)
  5. Click Advanced Tab
  6. Click Network
  7. Click EWAN
  8. Delete any pre-existing connections and then click AddTPEWAN1.png
  9. If your welcome email advises to add VLAN ID 100, tick ‘Enable VLAN’ and enter in the VLAN ID: 100. Otherwise, skip this step.
  10. Select Internet Connection Type: PPPOE
  11. Enter your PPP Username and Password - this is your Pentanet authentication username and password, which you can find in your Pentanet welcome email. You can also find it in your customer portal if lost or forgotten.
  12. Tick Enable IPv6
  13. Click Save


(VDSL- Settings)

(Note: This section is for Fibre to the Node/Basement (FTTN/B) only.)

  1. Plug in the power adaptor and power on the device.
  2. Use the supplied ethernet cable to connect a computer to one of the yellow LAN ports. You can also connect wirelessly, however we recommend ethernet connection.
  3. Connect your Pentanet service to your DSL port
  4. Using a web browser navigate to, and log in with the username admin and the password admin. (If the default login doesn’t work you may need to factory reset your device)
  5. Click Advanced Tab
  6. Click Network
  7. Click DSL
  8. ID: 100. Otherwise, skip this step.TPDSL1.png
  9. Select DSL Modulation Type: VDSL 10. Select Internet Connection Type: PPPOE
  10. Enter your PPP Username and Password - this is your Pentanet authentication username and password, which you can find in your Pentanet welcome email. You can also find it in your customer portal if lost or forgotten.
  11. Tick Enable IPv6
  12. Click Save


And that’s it!

You can now enjoy your superfast Pentanet internet connection to stream, browse, and game online.

Note: Your Asus router has two Wi-Fi networks which broadcast on different frequencies - 2.4GHz and 5GHz. 5GHz can reach faster speeds, but doesn’t penetrate walls well. 2.4GHz travels farther, but often won’t be as fast. We recommend using the 5GHz network when you’re nearby the unit, or the 2.4GHz if you’re in a different room or further away.


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